Yehuda Berlinger wears many hats, including system administrator, web developer, private and corporate blogger, game designer, and gamification consultant. His relevant hat for this talk is his ten years as senior technical writer, for which he is regularly called upon, not only to document, but to review and revise APIs. He currently works for Red Bend Software, Gilead Games, and Athena ICT.
Presentations by Yehuda Berlinger:
DevconTLV March Conference, Thursday, March 12, 2015, 16:05
Interfaces are the faces of your company. Companies hire UX designers to make their websites easy to use, consistent, intuitive, and clean. These same companies often don't care about their API design; apparently "it works" is all they aspire to. However, your API is an interface; another face for your company. If it's hard to use, inconsistent, non-intuitive, or ugly, annoying a developer could be the best case scenario; you might lose customers.
Here are 20 tips from a former developer turned technical writer who thinks that it's better to design a good API rather than simply document a bad API.
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Spotify -
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Chief ArchitectLivePerson -
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GoDaddy -
Cristiano Betta
Developer AdvocateBraintree_Dev -
Jonah Stiennon
Software Developer, EcosystemSauce Labs -
Yoav Abrahami
Chief ArchitectWix -
Karen Cohen
SDK Technical Product ManagerWix -
Emmanuel Marchal
Managing Director EMEABasho -
Yonatan Maman
RnD Group LeaderOutbrain -
Itamar Syn-Hershko
BigData and Search technologies expert -
Rotem Hermon
VP ArchitectureGigya -
Itai Chejanovsky
System ArchitectLivePerson -
Itamar Tayer
System ArchitectCoolaData